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Mini Hyde Clutch in Camo

Mini Clutch

Mini Hyde Clutch in Camo


Mini Hyde Clutch in Camo


This compact sized clutch is the perfect pouch to hold your keys, lipstick, credit cards and phone. What else does a “on-the-go” girl need?

Each bag is handmade in Dallas, TX from authentic Brazilian cowhide. As cowhide is a natural product, each bag has individual, unique characteristics and markings of the natural hide…no two pieces will ever be the same.  Nature’s natural markings are a feature of genuine beauty.

Color: Green Camo


  • Handmade from authentic Brazilian cowhide.

  • Zipper Closure.

  • Suede tassel

  • *Tassel color will vary.

  • Dimensions: 8.25” x 6”

Only 1 available
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